Koleilat Research Group
Advanced Materials for Energy Applications

Welcome to the Koleilat Research Group at Dalhousie University
Our Team, led by Prof. Ghada I. Koleilat, investigates the properties of nanomaterials to realize their full potential in next generation electronics. We are particularly interested in solution-processing techniques for their unparalleled potential in low cost, flexible, stretchable and large surface area applications.
Our core objective is to establish a state-of-the-art laboratory for (1) carbon based energy converters and for (2) power and light interactive electronic textiles, or simply smart textiles.
Our multidisciplinary work unites skills and expertise from different disciplines including but not limited to electrical, chemical, mechanical and materials science engineering as well as physics and chemistry. To that end, we want to attract a diverse and comprehensive team of highly motivated researchers.
Latest News
Congratulations to Sean!
Sean is the recipient of the 2020 Tyler Lewis Clean Energy Research Foundation grant.
Congratulations to Sean!
Sean is the recipient of the Dalhousie Engineering Excellence Graduate Scholarship.
New Springer Publication!
​​A review article by the Koleilat Group on dimensionality engineering in halide perovskite materails has been published in Springer. The work can be accessed online using the following DOI: 10.1007/s12200-020-1039-6
Congratulations to Sean and Ben!
Sean and Ben are the recipients of the Bruce and Dorothy Rosetti Engineering Research Scholarship.
Welcome Alireza Ghasemi Ghodrat to the Koleilat Group
Reza will start his Master's degree and work on developing new technologies for the healthcare industry.
Welcome Rashad Kahwagi to the Koleilat Group
​Rashad will start his PhD degree and work on the integration of different power sources in fabrics.
New ACS Photonics Publication!
​Mehedi's work on Methylammonium Lead Iodide perovskite photodetectors has just been accepted for publication in ACS Photonics. The work can already be seen online using the following DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01455.
Congratulations to Sean!
​Sean is the recipient of the Dr Robert Gillespie Graduate Scholarship, starting in Fall 2019.
Welcome Rania Elsebai to the Koleilat Group
Rania is the recipient of a USRA and will be working on solution processed materials for solar cell applications.
Welcome Kyle Brisebois to the Koleilat Group
Kyle is a 3rd year electrical undergraduate engineering student who will work on setting up characterization stations!
Welcome Sean Thornton to the Koleilat Group
Sean will start his MASc degree and work on environmentally friendly materials for solar cells.
Congratulations to Ben!
Ben is the recipient of the Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Energy Innovation grant which will be held for 2 years.
Welcome Benjamin T. Smith to the Koleilat Group
Ben will be working directly with GIT on graphene processing and applications.
Engage Grant with GIT 2019
The Koleilat Lab receives an engage grant from NSERC with Graphene Innovations and Technology.
Congratulations to Mehedi for completing his MASc.!
Woot our first graduate from the Koleilat Lab
Two USRAs awarded to the Koleilat Group
Congratulations to Max Manning and Ahmed AlGhanam for being awarded the competitive NSERC USRA (16 weeks). Max has been a member of our group since September 2017 and will be working full time under the USRA in the Fall 2018. Ahmed will be joining us in the Summer of 2018.
The Koleilat Group Featured in Research Nova Scotia Trust Funding Annoucement
Labour and Advanced Education Minister Labi Kousoulis announced today the funding for Clean Tech Energy Research. The event featuring Prof Koleilat was highlighted in several media outlets (Research Nova Scotia Trust, The Chronicle Herald, Truro Daily News, Dal News, etc...).
Thank you to the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). We will be looking to order much needed equipments in the next few months!
Ghada was the winner in the Emerging Professional category!
The Koleilat Group has been featured in multiple Media Outlets
Chonicle Herald: http://thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1501796-dal-engineer-plans-to-make-solar-panels-out-of-fabric
Atlantic Business Magazine:http://www.atlanticbusinessmagazine.net/article/transformers-next-generation/
Discovery Awards Emerging Professional 2017 AV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqZE78g4yNI
Our first Experiment!
After exactly 10 long months and after help from several extraordinary people at Dal sexton campus, we finally started our first in-lab experiment! We are looking forward to many more to come!
Welcome to our First Undergraduate Students!
Mariam Eldlio, Mohammed Kassab and Ihab Skafi join the Koleilat group.
Mehedi will be working on solution-processed nanomaterials for energy conversion applications.
New ACS Nano Publication!
Ghada's work in her previous lab on single-walled carbon nanotubes has just been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. The work can already be seen as an asap article (DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b06358)
The Koleilat research group at Dalhousie University is looking for exceptional highly-motivated Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students from relevant disciplines! Funding is limited.
Dr. Ghada I. Koleilat the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Dalhousie University as an Assistant Professor.